Following the latest announcements from the Ministry of Culture, many of you are wondering about the holding of the festival, what sanitary protocols, what capacity…. and that’s normal! Here are some answers to your questions.
– How is the ticketing with a 5000 people gauge?
The ticketing is the same. The first 5000 people to buy their tickets will be present for the 2021 edition. For now, 50% of the ticketing is already sold.
– Are places taken for 2020 still valid in 2021?.
Yes they are still valid. The tickets of 2021 has already been returned to you.
– Are places taken with the culture pass still valid ?
Yes the places taken with the culture pass are still valid. If you took your pass in 2020, it has been automatically carried over to the 2021 edition. If you took your pass in 2021, your place is well reserved. Your tickets will be sent to you 48 hours before the event.
– When will we be able to take tickets for one day?
Day tickets will be available as soon as the complete program of the festival is announced by the end of April-early May, in case the festival is not yet sold out at that date.
Sit / Stand
– Will the festival be maintained in a seated configuration?
At the moment, we don’t know what the health protocols will be by August. What is certain is that for us a “sitting” festival without bars/restaurants and camping is not a festival. In any case, it is you who will decide! A final decision will be taken at the end of April-early May.
– Do we have to bring ou chair ?
No. According to the configuration, we will take care of everything.
– Who will make sur that we stay sit ? Police officers everywhere ?
As every year, law enforcement is not accepted inside the festival site, so this will not change despite the situation. We count on our public to respect the regulations as much as possible but there will be no control inside the festival.
Sanitary conditions
– What will be the sanitary conditions to be respected in order to come to the festival?
We don’t know yet the sanitary conditions.
– Isn’t it a bit utopian to still believe in this 2021 edition?
For the No Logo organization team, it is to make 1000 days of stop for our event (between the 2019 edition and the 2022 one). We will fight for you, the public who have been building the festival with us for 8 years, but also to bring culture to life and to help the actors of the sector: artists, the cultural workers, service providers, associations.
– Is there any chance that you will cancel the festival?
Yes it is a possibility, but for the moment we have no reason to cancel the festival because we think that the sanitary situation will change by August and that we will be able to welcome you with camping, catering, bars and especially standing! We will announce our decision at the end of April/beginning of May.
– If the festival is cancelled for the 2021 edition, can I get a refund?
Yes, if the 2021 edition is cancelled, there will be, as last year, a possibility to ask for a refund or to keep your tickets for the 2022 edition.
– When do you announce the entire line-up ?
The 8 names already announced will be there in all possible configurations of the festival (Panda Dub, Yaniss Odua, Biga*Ranx, Danakil, Flavia Coelho, Vandal, Manudigital and Zoufris Maracas). This program will be enriched by other artists. With the sanitary conditions, we will base our choice on French, even European, local and emerging artists. We will announce as soon as possible.
– Will there be the Dub Factory?
Dub music will always be present at the festival with Dub Master Clash.
Others questions
– Will the counterparts proposed during the support campaign be maintained?
The counterparts put in place with the support campaign are, for the time being, maintained. Some may be adapted according to the configuration chosen for the 2021 festival. We will keep you informed as soon as possible.
– Will there be camping?
For the moment, we can’t tell you if there will be camping at the festival. One thing is for sure, it is that if campsites are opening everywhere in France, they will also be open on the event.