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Theses associations will be in No Logo 2024 !

Publish 10 June 2024

Since 2022, associations village is set on the festival for promotion and discussions about our society, our planet and our living mindset. This year, come and meet them :




Amnesty International is an independent and global movement about human rights. The fight of Amnesty is to take care of the victims and legal judgment for perpetrators of violencies.


“Association France Palestine Solidarité” is a french association about care for palestinian people rights. The aim of the association is to promote a real peace in Palestine and to work on a sustainable future. Activities of the associations are based on 4 way to act : Information, moral, material and humanitary care, help and exchange with palestinian community.

La Cimade

Cimade works on dignity and rigths for everyone. The association fight every kind of discrimination, especially xenophobics and racists acts.



SPEAK!  work on speaking liberation for children wich are victims  or witness of physical and sexual violences.



ARDDS is a deaf mute protection and care association fighting social and individual isolation of deaf mute persons with medical and communication tips.



LICRA is a french movement against racism and antisemitism. The association organise formation, events and publications to help people fight racism and antisemitism in France and Europe.


Social economy


La Pive

La Pive is the Franche-Comté regional money, working on territory development by creating a network of positive and creative shops and partners using the money.



Oikocredit is a cooperative based on international développement with solidarity and social economy. They work for little business, agricultural groupement et social projects. 


The Shifters

Les Shifters (Think Tank The Shift Project) works on economic decarbonization with a lot of tools and advices for people, local administrations and profesionals.




Le Cercle

Le cercle is a local association of promotion of LGBTQR way of life by creating events.





L214 take a large place in the fight for animal well-care. With punchy actions and shocking videos, the association try to change the legislation of animals care and make the world a better place for animals.



Les echos jardin

Echos Garden is a local association working for a better way to work with land, with more respect for humanity and the planet.

Terre de liens

“Terre de Liens” works on preservation of natural lands by helping farmers and projects wich take care of the planet and our environnement.


Fresque du climat

La Fresque du Climat is an attractive way to speak about how our planet is changing and the consequences of our action for the environnement.


Extinction Rébellion

Life on Earth is in crisis. Our climate is changing faster than scientists predicted and the stakes are high. Biodiversity loss. Crop failure. Social and ecological collapse. Mass extinction. We are running out of time, and our governments have failed to act. Extinction Rebellion was formed to fix this.



Alternatiba is a citizen movement to defend nature, environnement, ecology and social care.



ADN is a local association against nuclear weapons.


Zéro déchets Besançon

ZDB is the local assocation of the “Zero Waste” international movement.

Jura Nature Environnement

Jura Nature Environnement works on defence of biodiversity and information about natural-care of the Jura.