No tickets will be exchanged or refunded.
In accordance with Article L 121-20-4 of the French Consumer Code, event tickets are not subject to a right of withdrawal.
All orders are final and binding.
Entry to the festival is strictly prohibited for children under 6 years old.
For children aged 6 to 12 (inclusive), entry is free with mandatory accompaniment by an adult.
For ages 13 to 15, entry is paid, and they must be accompanied by an adult.
Proof of age for minors will be required from accompanying adults.
For those over 75 years old, entry is free upon presentation of proof of age.
For single-day tickets, any exit from the concert site is strictly final.
Re-entry is permitted before 8:00 PM for 3-day pass holders. After this time, any exit will be strictly final.
3-day passes will be exchanged upon arrival for an optical scan wristband.
Only scanning your wristband will grant you access to the festival site.
Single-day tickets are scanned upon entry and are not exchanged for a wristband.
Camping passes will be replaced with wristbands.
Any specific requests must be made by email to the following address:
If your request concerns the purchase of a festival ticket, it must be made no later than 7 days before the start of the festival to be considered.