This year at No Logo, we’re delighted to be highlighting remarkable associations that share our commitment to a fairer, more caring and environmentally-friendly world, and that provide concrete solutions to the challenges facing our society. Come and explore this breeding ground of inspiring initiatives, where each stand represents a veritable nugget of social, environmental and cultural action. Discover innovative projects, talk to the passionate people behind them, and take part in this collective effervescence by supporting the causes that touch you. Together, let’s make this village a springboard for change and solidarity.
Zéro Déchet Besançon
Created in 2018, the Bisontine-based association promotes a sustainable lifestyle for planetary resources via the Zero Waste / Zero Waste approach. Priority is given to reducing waste at source. In concrete terms: the best waste is the waste we don’t produce. Recycling is necessary, but it’s far from a solution: it involves energy expenditure and loss of materials. What’s more, not everything can be recycled.
The SeaCleaners ONG contre la pollution plastique des océans
ON LAND: They reduce the problem at source by educating and raising awareness among the general public, and carry out waste collection operations with their teams of volunteers. They support the transition to a circular economy by developing and demonstrating innovative, environmentally-friendly technological solutions.
AT SEA:We collect macroplastic waste in areas of high concentration before it sinks or disintegrates into microplastics. We contribute to scientific knowledge through research and open data sharing.
L’association des Villageois de Ndem
Since 1986, this small Sahelian village has been organized as a cooperative to revitalize activity in this arid, landlocked rural area. Recognized as an NGO in 2005, it sets an example for its dynamism in the five areas it develops: health, education, micro-credit, agriculture and craft creation.
La Pive
It’s Franche-Comté’s local currency. (1 € = 1 pive): Its role is to promote and develop the local economy in the Franche-Comté region. Born in 2014 following the SSE law, it was in 2017 that the first bills were put into circulation. The aim of a local currency is to bring together local players, both individuals and professionals, to develop a local economy that respects the environment and people, and promotes sensible consumption. The more pives circulate, the more wealth we generate on our territory, and the more we enable retailers and producers to develop employment and create new sectors.
Les échos jardins Montbéliard
It’s an association promoting natural agriculture that respects both people and the environment! Les Echos jardins pass on their know-how by offering weekly courses, as well as educational activities in schools, youth clubs, etc., to raise awareness.
Terre de Liens
Its aim is to enable everyone to exercise their responsibility – individually and collectively – towards the earth, which they consider to be a common good in the same way as water and air, and more generally towards the environment and society as a whole. Terre de liens acts in a spirit of trust, respect and sharing, giving priority to mobilizing citizens around actions in the field. It has a constant desire to experiment and innovate in order to find alternative and viable solutions for land management.
Sea Sheperd France
It’s an international organization that fights to protect the oceans and marine life. Their mission is to preserve marine ecosystems by fighting illegal fishing, pollution and poaching. At the festival, discover their hard work through captivating presentations, educational exhibitions and poignant testimonials. Learn how you can get involved to protect the oceans and safeguard the fragile marine life that inhabits them.
Humanimo Besançon
The association has been fighting on a daily basis to defend the interests of animals since 2014. Convinced anti-speciesists, they denounce practices that are sources of suffering such as farming and fishing, so-called leisure activities (hunting, bullfighting…), captivity in all its forms (zoo, dolphinarium, circus…). They act with kindness, but with the strength of their convictions!
Amnesty International
Amnesty International is a movement independent of any government. It defends human rights, demanding reparations for victims and bringing perpetrators to justice.
Mission Locale Besançon
The Mission Locale du Bassin d’Emploi de Besançon welcomes, informs and guides all young people aged 16 to 25, particularly school leavers, helping them to build personalized paths to employment, training and independence.
Association Imedi Handicap
The aim of the Imedi Handicap association is to promote and develop all known methods of improving the lives of people with disabilities in Georgia.
Speak !
The Speak! association was born out of the realization that children’s voices were not being heard, and even less so in terms of violence. So they decided to take action by creating a network of peer helpers, young people talking to young people to encourage them to speak out. But also, and above all, action through youth commissions and various activities, building a bond of trust that is essential to freeing the word.
La Fresque du Climat Besançon
The aim of “La Fresque du Climat” is to help as many people as possible around the world to understand the phenomena of climate change, and to move the world into transition. To act, we need to understand. Since its creation in 2018, it has become the reference tool that enables individuals and organizations to take up the challenge of the climate emergency.
Extinction Rébellion Besançon
Extinction Rebellion is an international civil disobedience movement fighting ecological collapse and climate disruption. Their actions in Besançon are focused on local issues, in particular against the artificialization of land.
Alternatiba Besançon
The Alternatiba and ANV-COP21 networks of collectives are the two legs of a radical movement to combat climate change. Alternatiba proposes concrete alternatives for the climate and social justice, while ANV-COP21 opposes harmful projects through non-violent action. Come and discover them, so that together we can change the system, not the climate!
Agir pour le désarmement nucléaire have been in action since 2015. Their mission is to live a world without nuclear weapons. They’ll be at No Logo again to debate with you and inform you about their strategy of non-violent action.
Jura Nature Environnement is part of the France Nature Environnement network, which works to preserve nature and protect the environment. Defend, mobilize, support and restore – these are the 4 commitments that best represent them. This involves environmental monitoring, ecological diagnostics, awareness-raising and nature projects (planting, cleaning, soil sealing, etc.). Meet the red hedgehog at the No Logo community center to find out more!